Thursday, January 22, 2015

New poll on single payer and a Medicare buy-in

Progressive Change Institute
Poll of Likely 2016 Voters
Conducted by GBA Strategies, January 9-15, 2015


"Enact a national health plan in which all Americans would get their
insurance through an expanded, universal form of Medicare."

51% Support
36% Oppose
12% Neutral

Percent supporting by party

79% Democrat
23% Republican
45% Independent


"Give all Americans the choice of buying health insurance through
Medicare or private insurers, which would provide competition for
insurance companies and more options for consumers."

71% Support
13% Oppose
14% Neutral

Percent supporting by party

77% Democrat
63% Republican
71% Independent


Comment by Don McCanne

This poll shows that the nation's attitude towards single payer remains
essentially unchanged. About four-fifths of Democrats support single
payer, three-fifths of Republicans are opposed, and Independents remain
evenly split. But what about the attitude towards the "public option" -
allowing all Americans the choice of purchasing Medicare instead of
private insurance?

Support for the option of a Medicare buy-in is strong across the
political spectrum. What can we make of this?

The debate in Congress during the reform process was highly partisan,
the public option having been defeated by the defection of just one
senator - Joseph Lieberman. The support that we now see amongst
Republican voters is probably genuine. The opposition of the Republican
members of Congress at that time was probably more related to the
decision to defeat the Affordable Care Act (ACA) regardless of any
benefits in it, just to "make Obama a one-term president."

If the Republicans in Congress can forget about their prior opposition
and decide that they want to move forward with constructive policies,
those who want changes in Medicare may decide that placing it in
competition with private insurance plans may bring market concepts to
the traditional Medicare program. They can conveniently ignore the fact
that the current market experiment with private Medicare Advantage plans
has been unsuccessful in providing comparable benefits at a lower cost.

The Democrats in Congress are likely to support a renewed effort to
enact a public option, especially since many still regret that it was
not included in ACA.

We have to keep in mind that the insurance industry was successful in
changing the public option from a Medicare plan to a public plan that
had most of the unfavorable features of private health plans along with
restrictions on how it could compete with private plans. This was to
prevent it from having an "unfair advantage" in the marketplace - by
giving the private plans an unfair advantage over the public option.

During the implementation of ACA we have seen that the private insurers
still control the puppet strings. Should the political environment
become more favorable for a public option, we can be sure that the
insurance industry will once again write the legislation, creating a
flawed public option that will surely invoke the wrath of those
enrolling in the program, "proving" once again the meme that "the
government can't do anything right."

These comments bring back memories of how the reform debate was hijacked
by histrionics over the public option, which played into the hands of
the insurance industry. The debate should have been over single payer,
but remember we were emphatically and ungraciously denied a seat at the
table from very early on in the process (back when the Democratic
strategists in control wanted us to sell "CHOICE" to the public - choice
of private health plans - and single payer was banned from the strategy

Little attention was given to the fact that adding another option - the
public option - would still leave in place our inefficient, costly and
highly dysfunctional system. We would have gained virtually none of the
other benefits of single payer. And that would still be true if we
abandon our quest for single payer and head off towards the Medicare
buy-in. We would still have an outrageously expensive system with
profound administrative waste, and intolerable inequities in
affordability and access.

At least more Democrats favor single payer (79%) than favor the Medicare
buy-in (71%). We need to start tailoring our message to appeal to the
Republicans and Independents as well.

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